lazy eye meaning in Chinese

Pronunciation:   "lazy eye" in a sentence   "lazy eye" meaning
(blindness) 【医学】(一目)弱视 ( = amblyopia)。
  • lazy:    adj. (-zier; -ziest) 1.懒惰的,没 ...
  • eye:    n. (pl. eyes 〔古语〕 eyen ) 1.眼 ...
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  1. It stings , and that is now why i have a lazy eye
  2. Records of molly ' s first few doctor visits as an infant show that she was " normal , " though born with a clubfoot and a lazy eye
    莫利在婴儿时期医生的检查记录显示她很“正常” ,除了与生俱来的畸形足和弱视。
  3. Records of molly ' s first few doctor visits as an infant show that she was " normal , " though born with a clubfoot and a lazy eye
    莫莉婴儿期的医生检查记录显示:莫莉虽然有一条腿畸形,且有一只眼睛弱视,基本属于“正常婴儿” 。
  4. The doctor must make certain that there is no other cause of visual loss such as macular degeneration , macular hole , nearsightedness , farsightedness , astigmatism , epimacular membranes , cataract , amblyopia ( " lazy eye " ) , previous retinal detachment , or circulatory problems

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  5. lazy evalution in Chinese
  6. lazy eyes in Chinese
  7. lazy fetch in Chinese
  8. lazy figure of eight in Chinese
  9. lazy flame in Chinese
  10. lazy flow in Chinese
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